Conscious Wealth Creation is about being fully expressed and receiving abundantly as we leverage a business vehicle that is good for the planet, good for the people, and good for you! Register below to join the Masterclass!

What Will You Learn in the Conscious Wealth Creator's Masterclass?

  • How to create a conscious income online that is recession-proof and creates a huge impact.

  • The three elements to creating a successful business online: a social media skill set, a high ticket offer, and automation.

  • How to access The New Earth business vehicle that is good for you, the people, and the planet.

  • A community that embraces and embodies collaboration and helps you to MOVE along your journey no matter where you are.

  • How to create a multi-generational, legacy income that pays you monthly for life!

  • The value of inner work to leverage systems and expand your business.

Meet The Visionaries of Conscious Wealth Creators!

Healers, coaches, visionaries, leaders, rebels, network marketers, parents, and wayfaring travelers all have a common interest in freedom. We want to have the time to raise our families and pursue our passions while making amazing money and creating a positive impact on the planet.

Here is a small portion of the visionaries who are following the formula we teach here to create our dream lives by leveraging the online space and automation.

Everyone has the opportunity to change their lives and step into the highest version of themselves.

Are you READY to take the leap?

Kristenne went from burnt-out mama to adventurous, lit-up, empowered Goddess! For years her main strategy for upleveling her life was to work harder, but that took a toll on her health and her family. As a mama being single, she reached a line-in-the-sand moment where she knew she could no longer continue doing the same thing and expect a different result. She had done the corporate thing, the coaching thing, and she was a healer with gifts to share but wasn't making the money to support her family. She embodied the vision of Conscious Wealth and integrating the Divine Feminine into her consciousness so she could live a life with no more hustle and no more daily grind. She loves the automated systems that has given her time back.


For CJ's entire life, she defined herself as “just a Momma”…having given up her individual identity, hopes, dreams, and goals to raise tiny humans and be a wife. When her kids left the nest, she was devastated - feeling lost without that traditional label. Reaching for an opportunity to recreate herself, she opened a brick n mortar cafe - becoming a Business Owner and found herself deep in exhaustion, frustration, and time consumption with little time for any sort of life. Eighteen months later the Pandemic pulled that rug out from under her, and again she was at a loss for who she was without a label to cling to. Resigned to NEVER require a label to define who she was, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and landed in this online space that empowered her to rediscover her hopes, dreams, voice, and financial independence.


Monica is a former RN and a solo mom of 3. She left her position as an RN shortly after the first wave of COVID. She courageously dove into the online space with zero experience and a big bold dream. She channeled her love for quantum physics and mindset work into a unique personal brand that allows her to witness her children grow and expand.


Imagine For A Moment!

  • Being paid hundreds to thousands of dollars per sale with products that work and convert without "selling."

  • Understanding how to use "Attraction Marketing" so you never have to spam a single person again.

  • Having access to mentorships that are valued at $20,000 to learn the inner work and the strategies of an online business.

  • Learning the skills of "personal branding" to get paid to be YOU to recession-proof your life.

  • Having access to an academy that supports you to do the 80% inner work of a conscious business model.

  • Having access to automation so you don't have to wear all of the hats.


  • Be in control of your own income rather than being controlled by economic circumstances or a job that isn't secure.

  • Receive leads and sales 24/7 without having to make sales calls or close the deals yourself!

  • Work from anywhere on your laptop or smartphone.

  • Leave your 9 to 5 for good or retire your spouse so you never have to ask for time off from a boss again or spend time building someone else's dream.

  • Create an impact on causes that matter to you.

  • Get away from the hustling lifestyle or the hamster wheel.

  • Buy organic food, invest in sustainable products, or have cash in the bank to pursue your dreams.

  • Provide for your family, pay off debt, and create legacy income that pays you for life AND can be passed on to the next generation


The way you get real results is to duplicate what is already working for thousands of others. Why reinvent the wheel when you can model what already works?